Against nightmares, loose smoking.

Kraftvoll Räuchern

Gegen Albträume, lose
Prices are only visible after registration.
  • HS-1072-L
  • 500 gr
  • 0.5 kg
  • 19 %
Averts nightmares Helps to scare away nightmares and promotes a pleasant sleep. Incense acts... more

Averts nightmares
Helps to scare away nightmares and promotes a pleasant sleep. Incense acts like a filter that lets negative things pass by and opens the door to good things.
Contents: Angelica root, vervain, maiden nuts, myrrh, etc.

Sleep smoking
The smoke of certain plants can give us a pleasant, deep sleep; save us from nightmares or help us to take our dream events with us into the daily consciousness.
